Sruleen Picture Sacred  Heart

Child  Safeguarding Policy

Statement of Policy

 We in the Parish of Sruleen, value and encourage the participation of children and young people in parish liturgies and in activities that  enhance their personal, spiritual, physical, emotional and social  development. We recognize the dignity and rights of all children and are committed to their protection and support. 

In keeping with this we will work to do all in our power to create safe environments for children and young people in order to secure their protection and enable their full participation in the life of the Church.

Contact Details:

Child Safeguarding and Protection Service in the Archdiocese of Dublin

Director: Mr Andrew Fagan 01-836 0314
Deputy Director: Ms Sinead McDonnell 01-836 0314

The above are the designated people for the receipt of any complaints or concerns regarding the protection of children.

 Clondalkin Garda Station 01-457 4855

You can also contact any Garda station

The Child Care Manager Area 5 01-626 8101

G.P.s, Nurses, Substance Abuse Counsellors, Social Workers etc are also designated officers to receive reports of neglect/abuse of children.

Sruleen Parish Safeguarding Representative

David Martin 01-457 1196



Towards Healing: 1800  303 416
One in Four: 01-662 4070
The Samaritans:             1850 609 090
 Childline 1800 666 666

 Code of Conduct for Adult Leaders:

 Treat children with courtesy, respect and dignity.

 Set the standard of behavior for the group by providing an example of appropriate behavior in dealing with people.

 Use age appropriate language.

 Particular care should be taken to ensure that the privacy of children is respected at all times. 

 Do not engage in rough play or undertake any task of a personal nature with/for children except in cases of medical necessity when the welfare of the child depends on it.

 Ensure  that consent has been received from a parent/guardian before a child takes part in any activity.

 Ensure there are clearly designated leaders within each group with whom young people can speak about their experience and raise any concerns should they arise.

 Ensure there is an adequate ratio of leaders to children at all times for all activities. 

 Casual visits by children to the homes of leaders or by leaders to the homes of children should be avoided unless a parent/guardian is present.

 Leaders should not work alone with children or remain on parish premises alone with children. 

 If a situation rises where it is necessary to be alone with a child, another responsible adult should be informed immediately and a diary note made that the meeting took place including the reason for the meeting.

 It is not permitted to consume alcohol, drugs or tobacco while supervising or working with children and under no circumstances should these substances be provided to children.

 Always engage with children in an open manner and refrain from showing favoritism towards any individual.

Code of Conduct for Children:

 Children who are involved in church celebrations should treat all other children with respect.

 Be fair and do not tell lies about other children or adults.

 Abide by the rules set out by the leaders.

 Respect the House of God and promote good behaviour.

 Do not spread rumours.

 Do not harm other children or Church property.

 Do not shout or argue in Church.

 Do not keep secrets especially if the secrets can cause harm.

 Avoid violence or physical contact with others and be caring at all times.

 Use of mobile phones is not allowed in the church.

 Do not bring dangerous substances or use such substances on parish premises.

 Talk to the adult leader if you have a problem.

 Parents are encouraged to accompany their children to Mass and all relevant Church activities.


 The Parish undertakes to have the following in place:

 Signed parental consent for each young person;

 Appropriate supervision ratio of adults to young people while maintaining the practice of ensuring that no young person is left alone with an adult;

 A code of conduct for all adult leaders and young people;

 Adequate record keeping processes including:

 Participant forms,

 Incident/accident report forms,

Volunteer application form, 

Declaration form for all adult leaders,

 Medical information and treatment permission as appropriate for all young people,

 Programme/attendance records,

 Training records,

 Garda vetting of volunteers. It is the policy of the Arch Diocese that all people participating in all ministries must be Garda vetted.

 Contact information for parents/guardians;

 Procedures for recruitment and overseeing adult leaders working with young people;

 For away trips a pre-check on accommodation and transport arrangements;

 Information session for all young people and their parents.

 All concerns and /or complaints will be followed through in a timely and efficient manner.

 Our  Policy is based on:

 Children First:  National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children And Archdiocese of Dublin:  Child Safeguarding and Protection Policy and Procedures


Please note: In law a child is anyone under the age of 18 years, unless they are or have been married